Disciple Maker Index (DMI)

Survey Results are in!

     Our parish is on a journey to know, love, and serve Christ as a parish community. Together we must embrace Christ’s vision for missionary discipleship so our parish can thrive and be a place for others to grow together in faith.


     The very first step in this process involved assessing our greatest strengths and opportunities, and that is where the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) came in.

●    Your input helped strengthen our parish.

●      Survey results are now helping leadership prepare for the future.

●    Three priority areas have been identified to strengthen our church

       and better prepare us for the future.

  • Our next step forward was to work as a leadership team to write goals that will strengthen us as disciples of evangelization, vocations, and engagement.
  • Once complete our next step was to inform that parish about how we will begin work on our goals. That communication will be accomplished through our parish bulletin and here on the website. As information becomes available about our progress, you will find it here.
  • Below is what appeared in the December 28, 2024 Bulletin

Disciple Maker Index (DMI)

As a result of your feedback through the online/paper survey taken in March, our parish leadership team members: fr. John, Deacon Mike, Lindsay Fuentes, Mike Penzenik, Marnie Terry and Jane Taddie are currently focusing on three outcome questions- overall measurements for the health of the parish and are indicative of growth. The three outcome questions are:

  • Would I recommend my parish to a friend?
  • Is my parish helping me to grow spiritually as a Catholic?
  • How frequently does a parishioner share their personal witness with another person?
  • Please continue to look for our continued communication with you about DMI in the bulletin, on Facebook, Flocknote, and on our parish website. We will be looking at how St. Joseph Calasanctius is actively engaged in seeking answers to these important questions.

  • Below is what appeared in the January 12, 2025 Bulletin

Disciple Maker Index (DMI)

In our December 28 bulletin we introduced you to three outcome questions that would receive our focus based on the results of the DMI Survey. As a reminder, those questions were:

1) Would I recommend my parish to a friend?

2) Is my parish helping me to grow spiritually as a Catholic?

 3) How frequently does a parishioner share their personal witness with another person? 

This month we will begin a focus on Question 2 as we invite you to join us in the ministries of the Church. On display in the church vestibule, you will find an easel with the name of a ministry, its description and a signup sheet. We will also have a person who currently serves in that ministry available to answer any questions. Please pray about this and ask God to provide you with the grace to answer his call.



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