Eighteen participants from around the diocese completed the Lay Leader of Prayer Formation sessions at Immaculate Conception Church in Ravenna on November 13, 2024 including two of our own, Mike Penzenik and Marianne Nanti.
Lay Leaders of Prayer are a great assistance when a priest is not available to provide an opportunity and lead prayer for the faithful. Leaders of Prayer often preside at Liturgy of the Word services with or without Holy Communion, Morning and Evening Prayer, Vigil Services for deceased members of the parish, Stations of the Cross and other devotional prayer services. Potential candidates must be endorsed by their pastor to serve in this ministry. Julie Pertz currently serves St. Joseph Calasanctius as a Lay Leader of Prayer.
Mike Penzenik is the Administrative Assistant/Project Coordinator for our parish. He also serves at Mass, is a lector, greeter, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, a catechist, and a host for our monthly Free Community Meal.
Marianne Nanti is new to our parish having recently relocated from Minnesota, where she was very active in her parish. Marianne serves St. Joseph as a greeter, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, chairperson of our Seven Sisters Apostolate and assists at our Free Community Meal.
Please pray for our Lay Leaders of Prayer as they answer God's call to serve.