100 Year Anniversary

Celebrating 100 Years!

Our plans began February 25, 2024. You are invited to be a part of this!

Anniversary Mass and Luncheon Sunday, August 18, 11:00 AM

Fall Fest 100

Saturday, November 16, 6-9 PM

Join our Planning Committee

Committee Members
fr. John
Bill and Yvonne Anderson
Jan Baber
Mary Buckhardt
Marie Conoboy
Kathy Dalsky
Lori Gilhousen
Joanne Greenlee
Jack Howe
Nancy McNair
Marianne Nanti
Mike and Gail Penzenik
Kathy Radcliff
Elliot Rice
Marie Smolen
Syl Stanisa
Jane Taddie
Marnie Terry
Lisa Vann

At our first meeting on February 25 after Mass, we shared our ideas about how to celebrate. Click on the idea form below to see what was shared. That document will appear in this week's bulletin with directions for how to complete and submit it. If you are unable to attend Mass, download and print the PDF.

Anniversary Mass


December 15, 2024 Committee Meeting for Event Review

Consensus was that it was amazing that our Fall Fest 100 could bring in around $9,000.  This money raised along with other donations toward the painting project should provide enough funds to cover the cost of the church painting/staining.

Each activity was very successful and each played an integral part in this event’s success. No other activity was suggested to be part of a future fundraiser. Bingo, while not a big money maker, was essential to the festive nature of the event.

Opening doors early on the day of the festival was a good idea. Opening at 10:00am was a bit early and 1:00pm is recommended for the future. Having food ready at opening is suggested.

Supporting local businesses were well advertised on posters made by Marnie during the festival. This type festival may be effective no more than twice a year, but asking local businesses for basket raffle donations should not be done more than once a year.

The thermometer display that shows progress toward covering the costs of the church painting/staining should be updated and set out for parishioners to see.

The Celebrating 100 Years banner should be taken down soon after Christmas.

Marnie and Mike will make sure ‘Thank You’ notes will be sent to those businesses and family donors that contributed to the festival.

Jane will put together a communication to the parish explaining that not all raffle baskets were displayed at the Fall Fest simply because there was not enough room. The baskets that were donated with the intention of helping pay for the painting costs will be made available at future events by the Ladies, and all proceeds from these baskets will go toward the painting costs.

The Fall Fest 100 Committee in magnificent fashion achieved the objectives of having a fun parish event where proceeds would be used to help pay for the painting/staining of the church exterior. Thank the Lord for the nice weather and fantastic support on Nov 16. The Fall Fest 100 Committee is officially now retired.

Our committee has been meeting after the Sunday Socials and other Sundays in between after Mass to plan a Fall Fest 100.  This event will be a fun evening of Bingo, raffles and food. Please come to a meeting so you can find out how to get involved. The event is set for November 16 from 6-9PM.

The next committee meeting will be on September 8 at the Second Sunday Social.

Anniversary Mass held on August 18 and reception after was very well attended. We planned for 130 and had very little food left over. The memorabilia will be left on display downstairs along with the proclamation for parishioners and community members to view until the next Second Sunday Social.

August 11 meeting held after Mass at the Second Sunday Social and final plans were made for the Mass.

Next Meeting scheduled for August 11 after 11:00 AM Mass.

July 14 Meeting was held as scheduled. Click the button below to access the minutes from the meeting.

Next Meeting scheduled for July 14 after 11:00 AM Mass.

June 23 Meeting was held as scheduled. Click the button below to access minutes from the meeting.

Next meeting is scheduled for June 23 after the 11:00 AM Mass.

June 2 Meeting was held as scheduled. Click the button below to access minutes from the meeting.

Next Meeting after Mass June 2. Click the button below to access the agenda.

On May 15 Mike and Gail Penzenik donated the cost of filling the urns at the front entrance of the church with flowers. They will be responsible to maintain them over the summer.

On May 9 the banner came in and was installed by Mike and the vendor. It was hung over the front doors on the exterior of the church.

  • An announcement was made at Mass
  • An email was sent to committee members asking who would be interested in making a donation toward the banner with a breakdown presented by Mike.
  • A parishioner stepped forward and donated the total cost for the banner.

Mike met with the vendor and determined the size and location for the banner based on the vendor's recommendation. Vendor will notify us when the banner comes in.

Our committee met after Mass during the April Second Sunday Social

  •  A decision was made to select and purchase a "Celebrating 100 Years" banner.
  • Mike and Marnie will work on determining the size and location for the banner and place the order. 
  • Marnie will notify committee members of the cost.
  • The cost will be covered by donations.

Our committee met on Palm Sunday and the following were the highlights of our planning:

  • A 100 Year Anniversary Banner will be designed and price quoted.
  • Investigate donation of a small ornamental-sized tree to plan in front of the Church.
  • Contact the Bishop's office to schedule our Anniversary Mass date.
  • Put a request for memories flyer into the bulletin.
  • Memorials and historical information will be on display for our celebration pot luck dinner.
July 14 Meeting Minutes June 23 Meeting Minutes June 2 Meeting Minutes June 2 Agenda Idea Form Idea Survey Results

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