New Paragraph
These two parishes, made up of three churches, serve the people of Jefferson, Andover and Kinsman, Ohio, along with the surrounding areas in Ashtabula County. Each parish is unique of course, but each is comprised of very dedicated men and women of faith in every generation. We welcome visitors! If you have questions or need additional information, click on the “Contact Us” tab and use the information there to send an email or call our Church Office. If you are new to the area and would like to become a member, you may pick up a registration form from the Church vestibule or click here to access a link to a PDF that you can download and print. Completed forms can be mailed to us, dropped off at the Church Office, put in the Sunday in the collection basket, or scanned and emailed to the parish email address,
Thank you to all who volunteered to decorate our church this year! Our celebration of Christmas will be absolutely beautiful.
Faith Formation for children and adults is ongoing at St. Joseph Calasanctius. CCD classes for students will be taking on a new form this year. Students will meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 6:00 - 7:30 PM in the Cassidy Center from October through the end of April. Adults participate in video and workbook-guided presentations and discussions, along with potluck meals to enjoy and develop a deeper understanding of their Catholic faith. In addition to what happens here at St. Joseph, parishes throughout our deanery collaborate to share resources providing many other opportunities for faith sharing, bible study, guest speakers and more. If you have not experienced adult faith formation or have not yet enrolled your children in our CCD program, we hope that you will consider joining us.
In Christ,
fr. John
fr. John Ettinger